New updates and improvements to Common Fate.
Improved Request Viewing Experience
The My Requests page has been updated to include a list of all Active, Pending and Closed requests.
The All Requests page has had some filtering functionality improvements as well with the new filter chips to enable anyone to filter requests by the requestor, reviewer or closer of any request in the organization.

Improved Integrations Management
Get an overview of your integrations connected with Common Fate with the new integrations pages.
Admins can now drill into each integration with a detail page that displays all the relevant configuration variables as well as any background tasks related to the integration.
The background tasks table can be filtered by time range to look through the history of tasks.

Improvements to the RDS Proxy
Fixes an issue causing empty AWS start URL when using RDS proxy with connected identities enabled.
Request detail view for RDS proxy requests will now display the correct name for the target and role.
Adds support for the `aurora-postgresql` Postgres engine type.
- Administrators can now soft delete users from the users directory page.
- A reason is now required by default when break-glass access is used.
- The AWS account number is now included in Slack request messages.
- Fix overflow issue on request details for large target and role names.