Secure access to corporate applications

Automate membership to groups in your corporate identity provider, such as Microsoft Entra or Okta.


Securing corporate applications

Your organization maintains a proliferation of SaaS applications and internal tools. Administrative access to corporate identity providers like Microsoft Entra, Okta, and Google Workspace is highly privileged.

Your team may use separate login accounts for privileged access to Global Administrator roles. Auditing access to these login accounts can be difficult.

Access to applications is audited using a manual, time consuming process on a monthly or quarterly basis. Employees with more entitlements than they need introduce risk.

Company mergers and acquisitions results in multiple corporate identity providers, which makes consolidating identities difficult.


Automated group membership

Common Fate allows access to sensitive corporate applications to be secured. Employees can request temporary group membership in corporate identity providers like Microsoft Entra and Okta.

Access is fine grained and time bound, meaning less manual work required on the part of security or administrators.

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Access to okta, faster and more secure

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