
Community Newsletter: December 2023

Fraser Ricupero
Fraser Ricupero
December 29, 2023
Community Newsletter: December 2023

Community Newsletter: December 2023

Hey everyone, Shwetha here with the last tech update for the year. If you're eager for deeper insights and real-time updates, make sure to join our Slack community or follow us on Twitter.

Here's what's been happening in the world of Common Fate over the past month:

Enterprise Privileged Access Management

Exciting news! The enterprise version of our open-source privileged access management framework has been officially released and is ready for deployment. This enterprise edition comes with a host of features and integrations designed to elevate your privileged access management capabilities:

  • GCP Support: JIT access workflows for Google Cloud Platform.
  • Advanced Policy Layer: Allows for conditional approval based on user and resource attributes, such as tags associated with an account.
  • Managed IAM Policies for GCP and AWS: Incorporate best practices and secure policies continuously audited and refined by the Common Fate team.
  • On-call Integration: Grant access automatically when a user is on an on-call rotation with OpsGenie and/or PagerDuty integration.
  • Improved Slack Integration: Approve Access Requests directly from Slack without needing to open the Common Fate web application.
  • Support: Support SLA (24x5) with a dedicated Slack Connect channel.
  • SCIM User Provisioning: User profile synchronization via industry-standard SCIM (rather than custom integrations, as is used in Common Fate OSS).
  • Multi-region and Multi-cloud High Availability: Host the Common Fate Access Plane workers across multiple regions and cloud providers to improve availability.

Want to learn more? Dive into our comprehensive documentation here or book a live demo using this link.

Identity Risk Index Assessments

Looking ahead to the coming year, we are actively developing a free identity risk assessment service. This service aims to help you identify and manage risk in crucial areas such as:

  • Excessive Permissions
  • Policy Misconfiguration
  • Privileged Access

If you’d like a FREE identity risk assessment, let us know here and we’ll be in touch early in 2024.

Granted Updates

In our ongoing commitment to enhancing Granted, we're excited to share the latest updates:

Generate JSON output for SSO token expiry
Run granted sso-tokens expiry --json to print the SSO token expiry in JSON. Additionally, you can use jq to filter and display only the expired tokens in JSON format: granted sso-tokens expiry --json | jq -r '[.[] | select(.is_expired == true)]'

Added TTY support for --exec
--exec now uses the shell script to execute commands instead of Go; this enables TTY applications to work as expected.

ExportSSOToken Configuration and --export-sso-token Flag
@cedieio has introduced the --export-sso-token flag, which exports the SSO token to ~/.aws/sso/cache. The ExportSSOToken configuration automatically exports the SSO token by default.

A big shoutout to our first-time contributors:

For a comprehensive list of updates, check our changelog.

As the year comes to an end, we want to express our gratitude for being a part of our community. We are so thankful for your support and excited to continue this journey with you into 2024, with exciting things in store. Happy holidays!

Until next time,

The Common Fate Team

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Fraser Ricupero