Protect PII and maintain productivity.

Protect access to datasets and tables within your data warehouse, such as Google BigQuery.



Securing customer PII and managing access to sensitive information is a significant challenge in modern cloud environments.

Typically, organisations are faced with the following dilemma when it comes to access control: implement highly restrictive controls, which ensures data is secure but slows productivity or loosen controls, which enable productivity but comes with increased security risk. Both options come with significant challenges.

In-house systems or platform-native access controls might assist with finding a middle ground, but are error prone and require significant investment to maintain and optimise, as well as draining productivity from the core data team.


Fine-grain, purpose-based data access

Common Fate allows for dataset and table-level access to be granted on a temporary basis, allowing data teams to build queries or engineer pipelines against sensitive datasets.

Access is fine grained and time bound, meaning less manual work required on the part of security or administrators.

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Access to bigquery, faster and more secure

Book a demo with our team and learn how Common Fate will improve your team's security posture and unlock developer productivity.