
Community Newsletter: July 2023

Fraser Ricupero
Fraser Ricupero
July 28, 2023
Community Newsletter: July 2023

Community Newsletter: July 2023

Hey everyone! Fraser here with a monthly update for you. If you want to contribute to what we're building, or would like more regular weekly updates, please join our Slack community or follow us on Twitter.

Here's what's been happening in the world of Common Fate over the past months:

Common Fate Cloud - Beta

We're opening up the Common Fate Cloud beta to more users and the product is improving each week. You can keep an eye on what we're releasing in our Changelog.  

Currently, we support the following:

  • Just-in-time access to AWS, Kubernetes and databases (Postgres).
  • Deep Slack integration - request and approve requests right from Slack.
  • Configurable access triggers - set up automated access, approval rules and incident response workflows for your team.
  • Fine grained auditing of all actions performed against your critical infrastructure.

Get Started!

If you'd like to get started with Common Fate Cloud, click the button above and a member of our team will give you a demo of the product, answer your questions and help you onboard.

Common Fate and fwdcloudsec

We were recently featured in a presentation by Rami McCarthy at the 2023 fwdcloudsec event titled 'Beyond the AWS Security Maturity Roadmap'. Granted and Common Fate Cloud were both featured as solutions in the Scaling Access Management category.


We've released some small improvements to Granted recently. Summary below:

Shoutout to @mfzl who made their first contribution in #429.  

Full release notes here for  v0.13.1 and v0.14.0 here.

Some amazing love for Granted too!

Stop what you're doing and setup Granted, not tomorrow, not next week, just do it now. I promise it is a simple as it sounds and you'll be wishing you had done it sooner. Everything just works and it greatly improves your workflow.  

Check out the full blog post here.


As always, we want to hear from you! If you have any feedback, suggestions, or ideas for how we can make Granted and Common Fate even better, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Until next time,

The Common Fate Team

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Fraser Ricupero