
Community Newsletter: May 2023

Fraser Ricupero
Fraser Ricupero
May 31, 2023
Community Newsletter: May 2023

Community Newsletter: May 2023

Hey everyone! Fraser here with a monthly update for you. If you want to contribute to what we're building, or would like more regular weekly updates, please join our Slack community or follow us on Twitter.

Here's what's been happening in the world of Common Fate over the past month:

Temporal and Common Fate

Our friends at Temporal have recently written about their experience with Common Fate to date and how it's been important for their security posture. Importantly, by using Common Fate, they've reduced their administrative access by 90% +.  

You can read the blog post here.

Common Fate Cloud - Beta

We're delighted to announce that Common Fate Cloud is now in private beta!  

Common Fate Cloud is our take on safe production access and mitigates the need to give engineers administrative access roles altogether. Some of the use cases that Common Fate Cloud solve include automated runbooks, secrets operations, technical customer support, and database access.  

Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a bunch of new features and we're eager to take any and all feedback.  

If you'd like to be invited to the private beta, please reach out to and we will send you an invite link.

Here's a sneak peak of the Common Fate Cloud beta and how to get started.


We've released some small improvements to Granted this month. Summary below:

  • Add AWS 'sm' shortcut for secrets manager by @alexjurkiewicz in #422
  • Add console-destination switch to enable bookmarking, use regional endpoints by @perpil in #419
  • Remove trailing slashes from granted_sso_start_url by @perpil in #411
  • Auto detect SSO region using html from sso-start-url by @perpil in #413

Full release notes here for v0.12.0 and v0.13.0

Community Shoutouts

One of our active community members @perpil has built his own integration with his tool Speedrun and Granted. Check out #419 and the demo video below:

This shows how Granted can be used as a credentials broker with Speedrun.

Upcoming Events

We have some exciting events coming up in the near future! Mark your calendars for:

  • AWS London Summit, 7 June 2023. Chris (our co-founder and CTO) will be there in person


As always, we want to hear from you! If you have any feedback, suggestions, or ideas for how we can make Granted and Common Fate even better, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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Fraser Ricupero